Negotiating the Dance of Calling as Couples
MarriageAmy Gallowayaging, calling, career, changing songs, dance of marriage, differentiation, grief, loss, marriage, mid-life, ministry, vocational transition, life stage
How Healthy Differentiation Rocks the Marital Boat
MarriageAmy Gallowaydifference in marriage, differentiation, differentiation in marriage, discerning calling marriage, honeymoon phase, integration, marital transition, rocking the boat in marriage, rowboat, two become one
Discovering Your Burning Bush in the Chaos of 2016
Vocation/Calling, New Year'sAmy Galloway2016, 2016 election, burning bush, chaos of 2016, cultural transition, discontent with American dream, discovering your burning bush, flaming invitations, Gideon, hidden prophet, Macrina Wiederlehr, Moses, peter, saul, sleeping prophet, spiritual transition, vocational transition, year review
Saying YES to God's Radical Invitations
Spiritual, AdventAmy Gallowayadvent, calling, cultural transition, God's invitations, mary and elizabeth, radical abandon, saying YES, spiritual transition, vocational transition, zechariah
Understanding the Transfer of Authority We Just Witnessed in the US Election
CultureAmy Gallowayauthority, changing political platforms, clinton, covering, election, Gospel, grace and truth, politics, protection, transfer of authority, trump, umbrella, US election
Why we should FORGIVE Trump and Clinton
CultureAmy GallowayAmerican church, bless those who curse you, cleaning house, clinton, election, evangelicals, forgiveness, Gospel, pharisees, political discourse, repentance, trump
What Survival Mode Looks Like in the Middle of Life's 'Perfect Storm'
Life CrisesAmy Gallowaycancer, disorientation, divorce, health crisis, hurricane, infidelity, jesus in the storm, jesus sleeping in the boat, life crises, perfect storm, spiritual formation, survival mode, transition, victimhood
When Motherhood (or Fatherhood) Doesn't Align with Your Gifting
Storming the Fortress of a Deeply Rooted Lie
Life CrisesAmy Galloway2 corinthians 10:5-6, deeply rooted lies, defense mechanisms, fortresses of belief, healing, lies, life crises, storming the fortress, strongholds, tearing down lies, transition, truth
Snapshots of FAITH in Life's Transitions
Letting Go of Our Young Adults... Launching and Loving Well
Teenagers, Young adultsAmy Galloway20 somethings, adult children, differentiation, graduation, launching children, letting go, loving young adults, parent relationships, supporting young adults
Working WITH each other and not AGAINST each other in Transition
Transition, Cross cultural, Relationships, MarriageAmy Gallowaychange, conflict, family transition, group dynamics, in-between, liminal space, personality differences, relational support, relationship, rivers of change, staying together in change, team transition, thinkers vs feelers, transition, transition bridge, journey-7
The Journey of Intentional Grieving: Naming Your Losses
TransitionAmy Gallowaycamino de santiago, disappointments, graduation, grief, journey of grief, liminal space, loss, naming losses, questions of grief, transition, journey-6
Calling Dreams to Life in One Another
Honoring the Limits of our Physical and Emotional Capacity
TransitionAmy Gallowaychange in capacity, decreasing capacity, emotional capacity, emotional limitations, gift of a handicap, identity, inner vows, limitations, physical limitations, strengths, transition, journey-5
Finding Your Way to Water in the Midst of a "Soul Drought"
SpiritualAmy Gallowaydisorientation, drought, famine, getting in touch with your heart, reflection, silence, solitude, spiritual desert, spiritual transition, upheaval
Embracing the Process of Differentiation in Children & other lessons from the "I hate pants" tantrum
Surviving the Tsunami of Cultural Change... The Church in Transition
Starting a New Chapter... Where do I begin?
Vocation/Calling, 50's, 40'sAmy Gallowaycollege graduates, dream storming, job transition, mid-life, obstacles to change, sifting options, vocational transition, what drains life, what's next
Women in Their 40’s- Fruit, Freedom, and Fine-Tuning Voice
Life Stage Changes, 40'sAmy Galloway40's, freedom, fruitfulness, gaining voice, mid-life, second calling, women, life stage, decades