Passing through the Door of Mercy
Learning to Leave a Place Well
Transition, Cross cultural, Parenting/Children, TeenagersAmy Gallowaybucket list, David Pollock, ex-pat life, grief, leaving well, loss, moving, preparing to move, RAFT, saying goodbye, TCKs, third culture kids, journey-4
Looking for the Thread of your Calling
Men in Mid-Life Crisis: Dissatisfaction, Restlessness, and Charting a New Course
Life Stage Changes, 40's, 50's, Mid-lifeAmy Gallowaybob buford, dallas willard, dissatisfaction, finishing well, halftime, making peace with choices, men in 40s, men in midlife; disorientation, restlessness, two kingdom mentality, decades
Sitting in the Rubble after a Major Loss
Hello Early Mid-Life Crisis! Weathering the decade of the 30's for women
What's Happening in Your 30's: Expansion, Exhaustion, and Hard Work
Life Stage Changes, 30'sAmy Galloway30 something, aging, career, dreams, expansion, healing, life development, longings, parenting, singleness, spiritual life, life stage, decades
What's Happening in Your 20's - Angst and Exploration
Life Stage Changes, Vocation/Calling, 20'sAmy Galloway20 somethings, angst, calling in your 20s, decade of the 20s, discovery of calling, exploration, vocation, decades
Finding a Place to Sharpen Your Sword
What Your Restlessness May Be Saying To You
The Muddy Mess of Change
Rooting Your Heart in Transition
Transition, SpiritualAmy Gallowaydisorientation, in-between, life crisis, pruning, roots, spirituality, stages of transition, transformation, transition, journey-3
Coming Alongside a Child in Transition
Parenting/ChildrenAmy Gallowaybuild on the rock, change, children, children's questions, crisis, faith, loss, parenting, quality time, questions, storms of life, talking with children, touch, transition, trauma, truth
What Type of Transition are you in?
TransitionAmy Gallowaycross-cultural transition, health crisis, health transition, identity crisis, relational transition, spiritual transition, transition, types of transition, vocational transition, life stage, journey-2
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