Posts in Parenting/Children
The REAL Goal for Your Family in Lock-down
Parenting/ChildrenAmy Gallowaylockdown, pandemic, family bunker, bunker, gospel, parenting, community, teaching kids about faith, asking forgiveness, family, young adults returning home, modeling your faith, God as provider, accessing God's abundance, storms, transition, crisis, global crisis, faith, fear, disappointment, financial struggles
Launching Kids when they are Half-Baked
Parenting/ChildrenAmy Gallowayadolescence, adulting, children in transition, college, developmental delays, extended adolescence, gen Z, half-baked, helicopter parenting, launching young adults, maturing into adulthood, millennials, over-protection, parenting, parenting regrets, praying for children, praying for college professors, praying scriptures, teens, university, university age children
Learning the Language of your Teen's Heart
Parenting/ChildrenAmy Gallowayadolescence, criticism, hormonal changes in teens, listening, parenting, signature sins in teens, talking with your teen, teen bravado, teens, using humor with teens
When You are Launching a Struggling or Difficult Child
Parenting/ChildrenAmy Gallowayaugustine, college, confessions, disappointment, graduation, high school graduation, launching kids, millennials, monica, parenting, prayer for children, struggling child, university, young adults, life stage
When Motherhood (or Fatherhood) Doesn't Align with Your Gifting
Letting Go of Our Young Adults... Launching and Loving Well
Embracing the Process of Differentiation in Children & other lessons from the "I hate pants" tantrum
Coming Alongside a Child in Transition
Parenting/ChildrenAmy Gallowaybuild on the rock, change, children, children's questions, crisis, faith, loss, parenting, quality time, questions, storms of life, talking with children, touch, transition, trauma, truth