Dealing with Disappointment in Your New Life
Transition, Cross culturalAmy Gallowayadjusting to college, altar of surrender, apples and oranges, comparing old life and new, cross-cultural transition, disappointment, grief, letting go, longings, loss, new life, old vs new, open handed, sacrifice, transition, journey-8
Working WITH each other and not AGAINST each other in Transition
Transition, Cross cultural, Relationships, MarriageAmy Gallowaychange, conflict, family transition, group dynamics, in-between, liminal space, personality differences, relational support, relationship, rivers of change, staying together in change, team transition, thinkers vs feelers, transition, transition bridge, journey-7
The Journey of Intentional Grieving: Naming Your Losses
TransitionAmy Gallowaycamino de santiago, disappointments, graduation, grief, journey of grief, liminal space, loss, naming losses, questions of grief, transition, journey-6
Honoring the Limits of our Physical and Emotional Capacity
TransitionAmy Gallowaychange in capacity, decreasing capacity, emotional capacity, emotional limitations, gift of a handicap, identity, inner vows, limitations, physical limitations, strengths, transition, journey-5
Learning to Leave a Place Well
Transition, Cross cultural, Parenting/Children, TeenagersAmy Gallowaybucket list, David Pollock, ex-pat life, grief, leaving well, loss, moving, preparing to move, RAFT, saying goodbye, TCKs, third culture kids, journey-4
The Muddy Mess of Change
Rooting Your Heart in Transition
Transition, SpiritualAmy Gallowaydisorientation, in-between, life crisis, pruning, roots, spirituality, stages of transition, transformation, transition, journey-3
What Type of Transition are you in?
TransitionAmy Gallowaycross-cultural transition, health crisis, health transition, identity crisis, relational transition, spiritual transition, transition, types of transition, vocational transition, life stage, journey-2
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