What's Next?!? Discernment in your 20's
Vocation/Calling, 20'sAmy Gallowaydiscernment, phases, 20s, 20 somethings, exploration, endings, beginnings, graduation, in-between, in-between jobs, try it on, failures, negative learnings, pause, process of discernment, vocation
Working WITH each other and not AGAINST each other in Transition
Transition, Cross cultural, Relationships, MarriageAmy Gallowaychange, conflict, family transition, group dynamics, in-between, liminal space, personality differences, relational support, relationship, rivers of change, staying together in change, team transition, thinkers vs feelers, transition, transition bridge, journey-7
Rooting Your Heart in Transition
Transition, SpiritualAmy Gallowaydisorientation, in-between, life crisis, pruning, roots, spirituality, stages of transition, transformation, transition, journey-3