Posts tagged 20 somethings
What's Next?!? Discernment in your 20's
Vocation/Calling, 20'sAmy Gallowaydiscernment, phases, 20s, 20 somethings, exploration, endings, beginnings, graduation, in-between, in-between jobs, try it on, failures, negative learnings, pause, process of discernment, vocation
Letting Go of Our Young Adults... Launching and Loving Well
Teenagers, Young adultsAmy Galloway20 somethings, adult children, differentiation, graduation, launching children, letting go, loving young adults, parent relationships, supporting young adults
What's Happening in Your 20's - Angst and Exploration
Life Stage Changes, Vocation/Calling, 20'sAmy Galloway20 somethings, angst, calling in your 20s, decade of the 20s, discovery of calling, exploration, vocation, decades