Posts in Vocation/Calling
What's Next?!? Discernment in your 20's
Vocation/Calling, 20'sAmy Gallowaydiscernment, phases, 20s, 20 somethings, exploration, endings, beginnings, graduation, in-between, in-between jobs, try it on, failures, negative learnings, pause, process of discernment, vocation
What are your Life Sermons?
Vocation/Calling, 50's, Mid-life, 60'sAmy Galloway70s, blessing over your sermons, calling, finishing well, legacy, life sermons, mid-life, pulpits, self-discovery, values
Option Overload-- Which Door Should I Walk Through?
Vocation/Calling, 20'sAmy Gallowaychoices, closed doors, college, desires, differentiation, discernment, god of choice, god of life, longings, mid-life, open doors, option overload, pathways to life, university, values, vocational transition
Taming your strength that is in overdrive
Vocation/CallingAmy Gallowaycontrol, disempowering others, gifting, growth, maturity, out of control, overused, self-awareness, strength untamed, strengths, strengths finder, strongholds, task orientation, unbridled strength
Blooming in a Season of Hiddenness
Vocation/Calling, 20's, 30's, 40'sAmy Gallowayblooming, blooming in hiddenness, cultural transition, divine upgrade, grief, hiddenness, identity, loneliness, motherhood, retirement, rooting identity in God, seasons of hiddenness, secret place, single hood, vocational transition
Discovering Your Burning Bush in the Chaos of 2016
Vocation/Calling, New Year'sAmy Galloway2016, 2016 election, burning bush, chaos of 2016, cultural transition, discontent with American dream, discovering your burning bush, flaming invitations, Gideon, hidden prophet, Macrina Wiederlehr, Moses, peter, saul, sleeping prophet, spiritual transition, vocational transition, year review
When Motherhood (or Fatherhood) Doesn't Align with Your Gifting
Starting a New Chapter... Where do I begin?
Vocation/Calling, 50's, 40'sAmy Gallowaycollege graduates, dream storming, job transition, mid-life, obstacles to change, sifting options, vocational transition, what drains life, what's next
Looking for the Thread of your Calling
What's Happening in Your 20's - Angst and Exploration
Life Stage Changes, Vocation/Calling, 20'sAmy Galloway20 somethings, angst, calling in your 20s, decade of the 20s, discovery of calling, exploration, vocation, decades
What Your Restlessness May Be Saying To You