Welcome to Mid-life: Reflection, Regrets, and the Emotional Rollercoaster
Life Stage Changes, Mid-life, 50's, 40'sAmy Galloway50's, career change, disappointment, forgiveness, grief, half-time, life development, life goals, mid-life, mid-life crisis, missed opportunities, reflection, regret, relational transition, restlessness, second calling, vocational transition, decades
Preparing to Reenter your OLD world with the NEW you
Cross culturalAmy Gallowayanger, college, cross-cultural adjustment, cultural adaptation, culture shock, disappointment, grief, internal changes, loss, missionaries, NGO workers, reentry, returning home, third culture kids, transition, university
Is It Healthy to Focus on our Sinfulness?
SpiritualAmy Gallowayconfession, crucifixion, Easter, forgiveness, Good Friday, grief, humility, prostrate, repentance, surrender
Dealing with Disappointment in Your New Life
Transition, Cross culturalAmy Gallowayadjusting to college, altar of surrender, apples and oranges, comparing old life and new, cross-cultural transition, disappointment, grief, letting go, longings, loss, new life, old vs new, open handed, sacrifice, transition, journey-8
Blooming in a Season of Hiddenness
Vocation/Calling, 20's, 30's, 40'sAmy Gallowayblooming, blooming in hiddenness, cultural transition, divine upgrade, grief, hiddenness, identity, loneliness, motherhood, retirement, rooting identity in God, seasons of hiddenness, secret place, single hood, vocational transition
Negotiating the Dance of Calling as Couples
MarriageAmy Gallowayaging, calling, career, changing songs, dance of marriage, differentiation, grief, loss, marriage, mid-life, ministry, vocational transition, life stage
The Journey of Intentional Grieving: Naming Your Losses
TransitionAmy Gallowaycamino de santiago, disappointments, graduation, grief, journey of grief, liminal space, loss, naming losses, questions of grief, transition, journey-6
Surviving the Tsunami of Cultural Change... The Church in Transition
Learning to Leave a Place Well
Transition, Cross cultural, Parenting/Children, TeenagersAmy Gallowaybucket list, David Pollock, ex-pat life, grief, leaving well, loss, moving, preparing to move, RAFT, saying goodbye, TCKs, third culture kids, journey-4
Sitting in the Rubble after a Major Loss