Option Overload-- Which Door Should I Walk Through?
Vocation/Calling, 20'sAmy Gallowaychoices, closed doors, college, desires, differentiation, discernment, god of choice, god of life, longings, mid-life, open doors, option overload, pathways to life, university, values, vocational transition
The Five Tasks of Your 50's
Mid-life, 50's, Life Stage ChangesAmy Galloway5 tasks of 50s, 50's, aging, aging parents, career change, compass, decade of the 50s, dreams, empty nesting, finishing well, halftime, halfway, health, increasing limitations, longings, menopause, midlife, midlife crisis, physical limitations, recalibrating at halfway, risk-taking, sandwich generation, signature sin, tasks of midlife, temptation to settle, trajectory, victimhood, vocational change, wholistic health, decades
Dealing with Disappointment in Your New Life
Transition, Cross culturalAmy Gallowayadjusting to college, altar of surrender, apples and oranges, comparing old life and new, cross-cultural transition, disappointment, grief, letting go, longings, loss, new life, old vs new, open handed, sacrifice, transition, journey-8
Hello Early Mid-Life Crisis! Weathering the decade of the 30's for women
What's Happening in Your 30's: Expansion, Exhaustion, and Hard Work
Life Stage Changes, 30'sAmy Galloway30 something, aging, career, dreams, expansion, healing, life development, longings, parenting, singleness, spiritual life, life stage, decades