Identifying your Battlefields and Getting New Tools to Fight: A Half Day Retreat
Spiritual ExerciseAmy Galloway2 Kings 13, battlefields, bow and arrow, Elisha, god is for me, god wars for us, graham cooke sermon, half day retreat, healing, jehoash, new dawn, new era, obedience, open window, prophetic word, strike the ground, words of instruction
Spinning your wheels in conflict – Now What?!
Leadership/Team, Relationships, MarriageAmy Gallowayanger, anxiety, childhood trauma, childhood vows, conflict, control, digging deeper, disappointment, emotional healing, expectations, healing, lies, personality differences, spinning your wheels, strongholds, style, trust, values, vows, who is at fault, wounds
Storming the Fortress of a Deeply Rooted Lie
Life CrisesAmy Galloway2 corinthians 10:5-6, deeply rooted lies, defense mechanisms, fortresses of belief, healing, lies, life crises, storming the fortress, strongholds, tearing down lies, transition, truth
What's Happening in Your 30's: Expansion, Exhaustion, and Hard Work
Life Stage Changes, 30'sAmy Galloway30 something, aging, career, dreams, expansion, healing, life development, longings, parenting, singleness, spiritual life, life stage, decades