What are your Life Sermons?
Vocation/Calling, 50's, Mid-life, 60'sAmy Galloway70s, blessing over your sermons, calling, finishing well, legacy, life sermons, mid-life, pulpits, self-discovery, values
Option Overload-- Which Door Should I Walk Through?
Vocation/Calling, 20'sAmy Gallowaychoices, closed doors, college, desires, differentiation, discernment, god of choice, god of life, longings, mid-life, open doors, option overload, pathways to life, university, values, vocational transition
Welcome to Mid-life: Reflection, Regrets, and the Emotional Rollercoaster
Life Stage Changes, Mid-life, 50's, 40'sAmy Galloway50's, career change, disappointment, forgiveness, grief, half-time, life development, life goals, mid-life, mid-life crisis, missed opportunities, reflection, regret, relational transition, restlessness, second calling, vocational transition, decades
Negotiating the Dance of Calling as Couples
MarriageAmy Gallowayaging, calling, career, changing songs, dance of marriage, differentiation, grief, loss, marriage, mid-life, ministry, vocational transition, life stage
Starting a New Chapter... Where do I begin?
Vocation/Calling, 50's, 40'sAmy Gallowaycollege graduates, dream storming, job transition, mid-life, obstacles to change, sifting options, vocational transition, what drains life, what's next
Women in Their 40’s- Fruit, Freedom, and Fine-Tuning Voice
Life Stage Changes, 40'sAmy Galloway40's, freedom, fruitfulness, gaining voice, mid-life, second calling, women, life stage, decades