Posts tagged disorientation
What Survival Mode Looks Like in the Middle of Life's 'Perfect Storm'
Life CrisesAmy Gallowaycancer, disorientation, divorce, health crisis, hurricane, infidelity, jesus in the storm, jesus sleeping in the boat, life crises, perfect storm, spiritual formation, survival mode, transition, victimhood
Finding Your Way to Water in the Midst of a "Soul Drought"
SpiritualAmy Gallowaydisorientation, drought, famine, getting in touch with your heart, reflection, silence, solitude, spiritual desert, spiritual transition, upheaval
Surviving the Tsunami of Cultural Change... The Church in Transition
Sitting in the Rubble after a Major Loss
Rooting Your Heart in Transition
Transition, SpiritualAmy Gallowaydisorientation, in-between, life crisis, pruning, roots, spirituality, stages of transition, transformation, transition, journey-3